The D3 Planning Experience:
Discover. Design. Deploy.


To this day I am continually amazed at how so many advisors show off their fancy portfolios with market beating historical returns and colorful graphs BEFORE they have taken the time to understand YOU, what YOU want to accomplish and what risk YOU are comfortable taking. It makes no sense! Any plan that does not align how you “feel” about investing with your goals and objectives is useless and lacks discipline. D3 starts with discovering what keeps you awake at night. Only then can a disciplined plan be designed and deployed.


What you have today is what you have today. Whether you would like to have more or not is irrelevant. Understanding how you “feel” about investing is the most crucial part of your financial equation as this is where your investment discipline is derived. You must be comfortable with whatever custom plan is designed for YOUR goals and objectives. Discovering your goals and learning how you “feel” about investing MUST be the FIRST conversation!


ONLY after we have spent time on YOU can the Design phase of the financial engineering process begin. Your customized financial plan is designed to align your investment personality with the level of goals-based risk needed within the portfolio. By aligning these crucial parameters, we establish the peace of mind that begets investment discipline, which is crucial to the successful deployment of your custom plan.


Even the most well designed plan is useless unless it is implemented, monitored and revisited. Routine rebalancing to keep your plan on track, performance monitoring to ensure we are using the highest quality products and periodic reviews to assess whether anything has changed in your life, or in the economy (important!), are extremely important components in the life cycle of your plan.